Wednesday, January 1, 2014


After much rumination on how I can improve--gratitude? pulchritude? fortitude?--I've decided my New Year's resolution for 2014 is to eat a pickle and peanut butter sandwich.

2013 was a trying year, but it also brought with it many wonderful things:

A new friend in my neighbor Emily
Much time spent with old friends (thanks Gwynn and Ghida!)
A joyous return to Lindy Hop
A joyous return to Janelle Campoverde's dance class
The Ballard Goodwill
The ever-wonderful support and companionship of my mother
Stalwart Plumbing (If you found this page when you googled "Stalwart Plumbing," don't hesitate. Hire them.)
Figuring out how to bike my spastic dog, Cleo
The Kinsey Millhone murder mysteries of Sue Grafton

I've been going through Sue Grafton's books out of order, when the library audiobook copies are available. I started with D is for Deadbeat in February, and I was hooked. I'm listening to Q right now, and that will leave only on V and W for me to listen to.

These books revel in all kinds of food I could never eat--fresh baked bread, cinnamon rolls, weird Hungarian dishes, fast food hamburgers, cereal for dinner, and all order of junk food. And each book also feature's the detective heroine's favorite dish: peanut butter and pickle sandwiches.

So this is my resolution: try one. It might be difficult since I don't usually eat bread, but I'll figure it out.

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